It seems like you've disabled RSS Feeds in your Joomla Admin, but they are still being generated. To ensure they are truly disabled, please double-check the following:
1) Go to your Joomla Admin panel.
2) Navigate to Extensions > Plugins.
3) Search for and disable any RSS-related plugins, such as "Content - Syndication" or similar.
Perhaps you should also try and check your Joomla Global Configuration under the "Integration" tab and ensure "Feed Link" is set to "Hide."
1) Go to your Joomla Admin panel.
2) Navigate to Extensions > Plugins.
3) Search for and disable any RSS-related plugins, such as "Content - Syndication" or similar.
Perhaps you should also try and check your Joomla Global Configuration under the "Integration" tab and ensure "Feed Link" is set to "Hide."
Statistics: Posted by Betinalock — Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:53 am